Your business is unique. You are ready to expand but you need an injection of cash to help you grow. Whether this is to buy stock, for marketing, property or capital equipment, finding the right source of finance can be a headache. You may not benefit from, or indeed qualify for ‘mainstream’ funding through traditional routes such as your bank or high street financing. Well, we like to make things simple.
Firstly, with accurate planning we will determine the amount you need to raise to achieve your business goals. Then we will work with you to establish the most beneficial way to ‘raise capital to propel your business forward’. These are just a few of your options:-
- States Grants – we keep a firm handle on what the States are offering to businesses.
- Investors – we can introduce you to investors within our trusted network of business associates who specialise in helping businesses like yours to thrive.
- Traditional Routes – If you prefer to take the more traditional bank loan route we will introduce you to sharp, forward thinking bank managers who know a good investment when they see one.
To see which option would suit your business best, call us for an initial chat on 731344.